In the ever-dramatic world of Nigerian entertainment, a fresh feud has taken center stage. This time, it’s Burna Boy, the self-proclaimed African Giant, and Cubana Chief Priest, Nigeria’s flamboyant celebrity barman. The virtual fireworks began on Friday, January 3, 2025, when Burna Boy took to Instagram with a cryptic message aimed at Cubana Chief Priest. Referring to him as the “Owerri Rick Ross,” Burna accused him of shady dealings, writing: “No forget say u be Azaman o And dem don gbe your plug wey him name na ‘Omo Igbo’ for ATL and na u be next #OwerriRickyrozay.”
The post was as subtle as a megaphone at midnight, and Cubana Chief Priest wasted no time firing back. He mocked Burna’s Grammy win, insinuating it came with strings attached: “Diddy oil the fastest way to PTSD. you never see anything, you and your bend down collect Grammy.” If words were weapons, this was a direct hit.
As the exchange escalated, Cubana took things personal, sharing receipts figuratively and literally. He posted a video from his 2018 birthday party, claiming he paid Burna Boy ₦1 million to perform as a backup artist. The barman’s comment? A not-so-humble reminder that his wealth predates Burna’s rise to global stardom: “I get pictures & videos where you dey perform for me. I go lie for you.”
But Cubana didn’t stop there. He lobbed more allegations, accusing Burna Boy of racking up debts on Ferraris and luxury jewelry. Burna, ever quick on the draw, denied the claims, asserting his purchases are always paid upfront. “Everybody in Lagos knows my style. All my shit paid for, sometimes cash sef. If not I for dey all the blogs by now for owing debts like your boss.”
The fallout has set social media ablaze, with fans picking sides. As it stands, the back-and-forth continues, giving fans plenty of content for memes, debates, and hot takes.
But let’s not pretend this is an isolated case. Burna’s recent cryptic post had already stirred whispers, with many speculating it was a jab at Davido. It seems the perpetual tension among the “Big 3” of Afrobeats “Davido, Wizkid, and Burna Boy” has found yet another chapter. Call it rivalry or call it drama, but it’s becoming clear that their ongoing battle is less about music and more about proving dominance.
To be honest, watching these titans clash is entertaining, no doubt. But imagine if the Big 3 stopped jabbing each other and instead threw their weight behind the genre that brought them this far. Until then, let’s keep the popcorn ready because, in the world of Afrobeats, peace may just be overrated 😂😂😂.